Moose had his two-year check up at the doctor today. I had to make the very difficult decision to switch doctors (within the same practice). We've been seeing Dr. M since he was born, Cici even brought Dr. M over to see me right after I had given birth, to reassure me and Cory that Moose would be fine, even being so early. I think she brought Dr. F too, but I am so fuzzy those couple days, coming off the magnesium was absolute Hell.
Anyway, Cory and I happily chose Dr. M for Moose to see whenever we visited the doctor. Which was extremely often in the first year due to the ear infections and such. The last couple times we went to the doctor, Moose has screamed uncontrollably each time we went. I think it is mainly because Dr. M chooses to examine Moose on the table. The last time Moose was sick, Dr. M was off, so we came in to see Dr. F instead. She let Moose sit in my lap while she examined him. He was still squirmy, but, much better.
So, I decided to see how Moose and Dr. F got along during a wellness-checkup. Both did really well, and I must say Moose seems calmer with her. I really think it has to do with her letting him sit in my lap while she looks in his ears, nose, and mouth. We did have two shots, the Hep and Flu, so he did cry right after that. But as soon as the nurse walked out the door he heaved a heavy sigh of relief, and collapsed in my arms like, "shew! thank goodness she's gone"
Here's the stats: (cause you all totally care about this, right?)
Height: 33.5" which is 25th percentile
Weight: 26 lb. 6.5 oz. which is 25-50th percentile
Head: 20" which is 95th percentile (still raising a bobble head)
Also this visit was the first time we have been able to check "yes" on all of the developmental questionnaire sheet. ALL OF THEM! That's right people, we have officially "caught up" with a term baby. I cannot express how much this means to me, most of you know that I harbor great feelings of guilt that my body got sick and made him come early. This has been a huge concern of mine ever since I realized he was going to be "behind" other kids. Well... no more!
Moose has totally mastered his colors. He can name them all, and pick them out. He has a vocabulary so large, I can't even count it, plus he will repeat whatever we say. Occasionally he will say a three to four word sentence. Moose loves to sing, and will try to sing along with the classics, favorites including "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "ABCs". I will try to get a video, but it is hard to sing and video, plus I sound like a moron, so that may not happen. We were watching Mickey Mouse (cause Disney is how we roll 'round here) and he counted along with Mickey and Minnie all the way to 20. That was a big surprise, so they must be working on that at daycare. He has gone in the potty several times now, and once he told me he needed to go with no prompting. That skill is not predictable yet, I am just coasting and seeing when he wants to go, I only ask if he wants to go when I change his diaper, and when I go too. He knows all the well-known animals and can make the sounds they make too. When you read a repetition book (think "Brown Bear, Brown Bear") he will sometimes repeat it with you. We are working on the ABCs, but he can't identify those yet.
We are so proud of him, he has come so far. We were talking the other day about he is a source of endless joy. I find myself gazing at him and smiling a lot. He has been more frustrating recently, since he has developed a temper and an attitude. We've been trying to show him who's boss, so hopefully that will continue to improve. I'll keep you updated!